Information Regarding Admissions
- The age of admission to Class Nursery is Three (3) years plus as on date of admission.
- Parents must bring their child at the time of admission.
- Admission to classes depends upon vacancy available in the respective classes. Admission will be exclusively on the basis of performance of a pupil in the admission test (written and viva-voce) conducted by the school. Further details about admission test syllabus can be obtained from the office or notice board.
- When admission is granted the following documents should be submitted –
- Attested copy of Date of Birth Certificate issued by the competent authority.
- Xerox copy of Baptism Certificate (only for Catholic students).
- Original copy of Transfer Certificate (Not applicable to first admission case).
- Xerox copy of the last annual examination report card of the previous school (Not applicable to first admission case).
- Two recent stamp size photographs.
- The school reserves the right to reject any application and is not answerable to the parents for doing so.
- Admission fee once paid is not refundable.
- Photocopy of birth certificate and School Reading Certificate are to be produced at the time of procuring admission forms.