Saint Paul's School
Rules and Regulations
- Enrolment in St. Paul’s School implies, on the part of the pupils and parents, willful compliance with the rules and regulations of the school.
- At the time of admission the students being admitted will be tested below the standard to which he or she is seeking admission.
- English is the only language in the school. Those who use other spoken language during school hours are liable to punishment.
- The decision of the School authority with regard to promotion is FINAL and binding on all.
- Promotion depends on the child’s cumulative performance throughout the year, and not merely on the marks scored in the Final/Third Examination. Failure in any terminal examination and class assessment/test can seriously affect the student’s prospect of promotion.
- If a child remains absent form an examination without any prior notice and valid reason satisfying the school authority, he/she will not be allowed to appear for it at a later part of the day or on a subsequent date. Her/his general performance/class test results in the subject will be taken into account for promotion or otherwise.
- Parents SHOULD record reason for their child’s lack of punctuality or absences in the Regularity Record section of the School Diary and attach signature to it.
- The Principal, in the interest of the school, may ask a parent or a guardian to withdraw his child/ward from the school due to the child’s gress mis-conduct, likely to have detrimental bearing on the common good of the school and its smooth running.
- Excuse for absence and late attendance should not be made over phone, but in writing in the diary.
- Strict action will be taken against the students remaining absent on the reopening day after a vacation without prior notice to the school.
- Students will not be allowed to attend classes entering into the school after the morning assembly/prayer.
- After an illness a pupil must produce a Doctor’s Certificate of fitness or Parent’s Declaration stating the veracity of the cause.
- Students who fail for two consecutive years cannot remain in School as also those who fail in two consecutive classes.
- Parents/Guardians must see that their wards study with regularity and do all the assignments given form the school. Remarks made by the school in the remark column should be countersigned by parents. School diary must be checked daily and signed by the parents/guardians.
- All pupils are to come to school neatly properly dressed in the school uniform. Jewellery and fancy ornaments are not permitted. Pupils are themselves responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings. Each article should be marked with the Pupil’s name, class and section.
- Admittance into the school premises is subject to the sole discretion of the School Authorities. The school authorities, therefore, reserve to themselves the right to refuse admission to any one without assigning any reason whatsoever.
- The school is not responsible for the whereabouts of any day scholar pupil before and after school hours.
- The school always encourage students participation in all co-curricular activities i.e. games, school sports, Independence Day Celebration, concerts, debates etc.
- Parents are requested not to take their children out for long holidays during the school working days.
- Pupils must not leave the school premises during the school hours WITHOUT A WRITTEN AUTHORIZATIONS from Principal.
- Students who come shabbily dressed or unkempt are liable to be sent home.
- Students are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct in and outside the school. Hence misbehavior in public places, irregular attendance, habitual idleness, continual failure to make satisfactory progress in studies, objectionable demeanor, stealing, cheating in the examination or test and above all disrespect and disobedience to teachers and staff are each a sufficient reason for expulsion with or without notice.
- Gifts to the members of the staff or any other token of honour and allegiance require the Headmaster’s sanction.
- Collection of funds for any purpose whatsoever requires the sanction of the Headmaster and all accounts of the same should be handed over to the account office after the circulation of the notice issued. No meeting, demonstration, party, picnic or tournament may be conducted without the prior permission of the Headmaster.
- All correspondence addressed to pupils at school is subject to inspection.
- Parents are requested not to discuss school matters with the teacher concerned or enter classroom premises during school hours. The headmaster will be available during the office hours or by appointment.
- Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authority in regard to observance of rules and regulations. Parents being an integral part of the institution are expected to be non-aggressive, supportive and suggestive towards school authority, staff and students.